What is Hypnotherapy and how is it related to Hypnosis and Hypnotism?

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy in which hypnotism is at the core of the treatment. Hypnotism is the study and use of suggestion with or without the use of hypnosis. Hypnosis is an inferred psychophysiological state characterised by increased suggestibility. Hypnosis can access the subconscious mind so that you can unlock your potential, change unwanted habits and behaviours, and find solutions to problems or concerns.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is an inferred psychophysical state characterised by increased suggestibility and is thought to be an altered state of consciousness which increases concentration on a specific area or request.

The brain can be considered as having two core parts: the conscious part which is analytical, logical and controls or maintains willpower; and the unconscious part which comprises your imagination, self-concept, beliefs, memory, habits, instincts and reflex actions. The purpose of hypnosis is to persuade the conscious mind to step aside for a while and allow access to the subconscious mind.

Hypnosis can be described as an altered state of consciousness which allows you to connect with your subconscious mind. It allows you to pull up memories, experiences and other events that played a significant role in your life or in your development. Being in hypnosis is a natural state, which is a super-relaxed state of mind, and throughout the hypnosis you remain in control the whole time. You would never do or say anything that you didn’t want to do or say. Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy which uses hypnosis for a beneficial therapeutic purpose for the client, It uses hypnotherapy techniques to allow the client to make beneficial changes.

Hypnosis allows the brain to reach different wave patterns (known as alpha waves) and in the alpha state the body relaxes naturally and the mind becomes more receptive to suggestion. We all experience alpha states naturally every day, such as when we are day dreaming or being absorbed in an activity such as music or television where time seems to stop. Alpha states are also happening when people meditate or when you walk or drive somewhere and don’t remember every bit of the journey.

How does Clinical Hypnosis work?

The subconscious mind can be the source of many of our life problems and self-imagery; and it is also a tremendous reservoir of unrecognised strengths and knowledge. Any conscious decision can be influenced by your past experiences which have helped to build the core beliefs, habits and behaviours in your subconscious mind.

Hypnosis can be used to access the subconscious mind so that you can unlock your potential, change unwanted habits and behaviours, and find solutions to problems or concerns. Whilst in hypnosis, therapeutic interventions may be used to help the client with beneficial changes based on their desired outcomes. For example: weight loss treatment may require psychological support, behavioural homework and nutritional support.

Does hypnotherapy work?

Yes. Hypnotherapy is very powerful at helping to make changes but it is not a miracle cure or a ‘snap your fingers’ cure. Hypnotherapy is a partnership between you and your therapist which will require work, motivation, commitment and honesty to achieve the desired goals.

Can anybody be hypnotised?

Yes. Anyone can be hypnotised as long as they wish to be. A hypnotherapist cannot force you to go into hypnosis or make you do anything against your will.

Will I lose control during hypnotherapy?

Throughout the therapeutic process you are in control. You will remain aware of what is going on around you and of what is being said. Remember that you are always in charge of the process and that the therapist is only the facilitator. The session or sessions are tailored to your requirements based on the prior discussions between you and your therapist.

How many sessions will I need?

This depends on the type of treatment being sought and the progress being made throughout the sessions. Hypnotherapy is an effective therapy and the hypnotherapist will want to help you in the minimum number of sessions possible. The likely number of sessions will be agreed at the start and then reviewed between you and your therapist dependent on progress, motivation and meeting the desired changes or goals set. Normally you would see the therapist once a week for the agreed treatment plan.

Is hypnotherapy right for me?

If you still have any questions about hypnotherapy then please do contact me. We can have a chat and see if hypnotherapy is the right choice for you as well as allowing you to decide if I’m the right therapist for you. If, during the discussion, I think that hypnotherapy is not right for you or for the issue raised then I won’t take you on as a client but will suggest alternative therapy options which may help.

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